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Pocket Electronic Symphony #1

Andreja Andric 2018

To perform on any device with a web browser, ideally on a smartphone. Variable duration.
Uses HTML5 Web Audio API, and is currently compatible with most modern desktop browsers, and with Chrome on Android phones and Chrome or Safari on iPhones.

  1. Recreate the cluster with random gaps between notes.
  2. Recreate half of the cluster with no gaps between notes (in unison)
  3. Recreate the cluster with smallest gaps between notes.
  4. Reset the maximum and minimum time interval for events. Reset time intervals for events to random values in between. Change the amount of pitch changes that go in the same direction.
  5. Reset time intervals for events either to maximum and minimum alternately or to the mean.
  6. Increase and decrease all time intervals towards maximum or minimum respectively on successive occasions. Change the amount of pitch changes that go in the same direction.
  7. Increase or decrease cluster density. Bounce back a little if more than maximum allowed or less than minimum allowed. Increase and decrease pitches of individual cluster components using the separate amounts of change for the change in the same direction and in opposite directions.
  8. Increase cluster density. Reset to a small value if it becomes greater than the maximum allowed.
  9. Decrease cluster density. Reset to a large value if it becomes smaller than the minimum allowed.
  10. Increase or decrease volume level. Bounce back a little if it becomes greater than the maximum allowed or less than the minimum allowed. Change the amount of pitch changes that go in the opposite directions.
  11. Change the volume limits stepwise.
  12. Change the volume level to one of the volume limits.
  13. Apply a saw-like envelope to a random percentage of voices.
  14. Apply a flat envelope to all the voices.
  15. Apply a saw-like envelope to all the voices.